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About Push Motion:

Your Local Managed

Service Provider

Our Community Impact

At PushMotion, we are committed to making a positive impact in our community. We collaborate with partners and innovate to support educational programs, local businesses, and more. By using expertise, we provide assistance to vital community services and work to improve the infrastructure around us. Our efforts are about doing good and setting an example for others to follow, showing that positive change is possible when we work together.

Chamber Ambassador since 2020
Developed new Reality Check program completely digitized for 8th grade students through the county in conjunction with the chamber.
Developed a new application for the Walton Barrow Board of Realtors for this year to help run the Derby fundraiser to support home ownership related laws
Donated VOIP & technical services to Project Renewal as well as Operation Rally Point
Serve on the education committee with all Walton proud school members
Serve as a committee member for ASCII a 20+ year old IT community on the vendor advisory board
Served 2 years as a Spark Leader for ASCII focused on leading a group of 15 other MSPs around the nation on business challenges.

Empowering Your Business
Through Expert IT Support

Since our inception in 2010, Push Motion has stood at the forefront of the Managed Service Provider (MSP) industry, dedicating ourselves to the success of small to medium-sized businesses in Walton, GA and surrounding areas.

With a focus on personalized, local service, we aim to deliver enterprise-level IT solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients, without the enterprise-level price tag.

Personalized IT Services Tailored to Your Needs

Our comprehensive suite of services includes everything from proactive care and round-the-clock maintenance to live helpdesk support, ensuring that your business technology runs smoothly and efficiently.

Our dedicated team is passionate about seeing our clients succeed. We designed our service offering around the needs of Walton County businesses, providing a one-stop-shop for all your IT needs.

Proactive IT
Preventing Data loss and technology disasters before they occur

Maintenance and Support
Ensuring your systems are always up to date and running seamlessly with our dependable IT services.

Tailored IT Solutions
Customized strategies to support your growth and scalability.

Your Success Is Our Mission

At Push Motion, we believe that we succeed only if you succeed. Our mission is simple: to provide your business with the IT support and services it needs to thrive.

We understand that technology can be a significant challenge for many business owners, consuming valuable time and resources that could be better spent on growing your business. That’s why we’re here—to take the stress out of managing your IT, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Our Approach: A Partnership for Growth

We view our relationship with you as a partnership, one where your growth translates to our growth. Our approach is based on understanding your business from the inside out, enabling us to offer solutions that are not just effective but also relevant to your specific industry and challenges.

Whether you’re a legal firm, a service-based company, or a small business, our goal is to provide IT services that help you achieve your objectives, without the headache of managing technology on your own.

Over a decade of expertise in the MSP industry.

Personalized Service:
Attention to detail and a local presence that larger, overseas call centers can’t match.

Innovative Technology:
Utilization of AI and other cutting-edge technologies to enhance service efficiency.

Community Focused:
A commitment to supporting local businesses and non-profits.

Our Story

Founded in 2010, Push Motion was born out of a desire to offer small and medium-sized businesses the kind of IT support and services they truly need. Over the years, we have grown alongside our clients, continually adapting to the ever-changing landscape of technology.

Today, our position as a leading Managed Service Provider is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. We stand out for our cutting-edge solutions and superior customer service. Our defining trait, however, is our local footprint. This allows us to offer bespoke support through a knowledgeable team that’s deeply embedded in the community.

Join Us on Your IT Journey

Let Push Motion be your guide in the complex world of business technology. Contact us today to discover how we can help your business not just succeed but thrive in today’s digital age.

Your business deserves the best in IT support, and with Push Motion, that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Big Solutions for small Businesses

Push Motion Technology partners with startups & small team businesses to provide the same support, security, and expertise as an in-house tech department, keeping your business secure, making it more productive, and setting you up for growth.


Honest assessments and recommendations.


Your first line of defense.


Keeping an eye out for trouble.


Enhancing performance, one update at a time.


Always have a backup.


Build and maintain a reliable network.


Empower your team with knowledge.


Your helping hands.


Working with Joshua Wilson at PushMotion for three years has been a game-changer for our business. Josh’s swift response and expert handling of our technology challenges have been crucial in keeping our operations running smoothly. His calm demeanor and quick problem-solving skills make him a valuable asset…

President – AquaTerra Recycling

Working with Push Motion has been seamless. Josh’s expertise and professionalism have been instrumental in keeping the Walton Chamber IT infrastructure running smoothly.  He is incredibly dependable and always available to address any issues that arise promptly and with efficiency.  

President – Walton County Chamber of Commerce

Affiliations and Accreditations